My books and how can you support me and my works!

My 2nd book is out. That was a long and eventful journey. In short, lots of work.

Get it from any store of your choice, like Amazon or Routledge (but be sure to understand that the ebook format from this place is specific).

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Now, if you want to help me (for example, you like my contributions), here are some ways you can support me and my work:

1. Spread the word about my works and books on social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (#bookstagram), LinkedIn, TikTok (#booktok!) – every medium counts! If you mention me or tag me, there is a very good chance that I will respond :-) If you know of any reviewer/book influencer, feel free to let them know :)

2. Write a review on sites like Goodreads or online bookstores like Amazon. Reviews, especially on platforms like Goodreads or major online retailers, can greatly help increase the visibility of my books. Of course, positive reviews are always welcome but as the saying goes, "it’s important that they talk"… It’s hard for an outsider like me to break through.

3. Share comments about my books. Use any platform that you prefer. Whenever I have time, I always try to respond to all feedback and messages.

4. Buy my books. If you'd like to support me and my work, purchasing my books is a far better option than something like “buying me a coffee” or Patronite. This way, you get both a product and knowledge from works I have spent a significant amount of time creating (during this time, I wasn’t doing any other jobs that I could have been doing). Naturally, I would love to earn at least a little (but you know how it is with books these days…). Perhaps with your help, I can do some more. By purchasing, you also help fund my future projects, especially if big things were to come :-)

5. Recommend my books to friends. Personal recommendations are incredibly important. If you know someone who might be interested in my works, please tell them about them.

6. Create reviews and discussions about my books. If you run a blog, YouTube channel, TikTok, podcast, or anything other like that - consider creating content about my books. This could include reviews, interviews, or analyses. I am more than happy to collaborate by providing materials, answering questions, or even giving interviews to help enrich your content. Your support here would help my work reach a wider audience and spark deeper discussions.

7. There are currently two english-language books : Philosophy of Cybersecurity (CRC, 2023) and Propaganda (CRC, 2024). Both books contain current content that may be of interest to you or someone you know. I have strived to write these books in a way that will withstand the test of time.

8. Share quotes or short opinions about my books on social media. Even if you don’t run a blog or a channel, a simple way to help is to share your favorite quote from the book or a brief opinion on social media. A few words can catch someone’s attention and might just lead them to pick up the book themselves! Example: "Cyberattacks are not attacks. Cyberwar is not war"?

Oh, and by the way:

  • On 22 October I speak about technology, ai and propaganda at Swiss Cyber Storm.
  • On 21 November in London at King's College London's Department of War Studies I'm speaking about propaganda, disinformation, information operations, and more. The lecture is open to public. I'll speak about defence & offence, including cyber-enabled information operations and warfare. The material references my book, but it is not limited to it.
  • There will be other events elsewhere to be announced later.

Indeed it was all a lot of work so I used the specific time in my life. Now I am open to engagements (standardisation, privacy, data protection, technology policy, cyber/information security; including out-of-the-box issues as I am highly adaptable to problems and fields; partial placeholder list here).

Let me know or spread the word if relevant ( Thanks!

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