Is the US building Stuxnet 2/3? Cyber tools that can act behind isolated (even air-gapped) networks to cause physical destruction, sometimes called “cyber weapons”, a generalised term, not exactly justified considering how such tools work (but in simplified cases, it is sometimes used).
This was the functionality of Stuxnet…
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A very dangerous cyber tool has been identified and analysed. It’s targeting industrial control systems - the hardware/software that is often running at industrial sites (like manufacturing, but also power grids, nuclear plants, and go figure). Based on these analyses, I make a big picture assessment.
Created by…
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I already devoted some space to cyber insurance. Since then, the situation evolved.
Oh no, cyber insurance
Cyber insurers have a big problem: it is unclear how to “assess” the risk. Some events might be especially tricky. This means a lot of risk to the insurers. They are, for example,…
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Whether we want it or not, cyber operations by militaries are today’s reality. They are here to stay. But admittedly this fraction of statecraft is quite new. So it’s notable that the International Committee of the Red Cross just published its report (here) on military cyber operations. Previously…
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