Analysis of interesting points in Australian 2020 cybersecurity strategy

Countries continue to refine their approach to cybersecurity. Australia is not an exception, with the recent release of its new cybersecurity strategy. Previously I looked at several countries or organisations (i.e. USA, Ireland, Netherlands, France, ICRC, France, Luxembourg) along different dimensions of cybersecurity. Why is Australia worth a look?…

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Analysis of Irish cybersecurity strategy

Ireland just released its cybersecurity strategy. It is a very interesting document because, considering the size of the country, Ireland is a crucial backbone of the EU digital economy. Ireland knows this and it mentioned in the strategy very prominently: around 30% of “data” are based in Ireland. Big global…

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The French doctrine of offensive cyber operations

Many countries are developing cyber capabilities, including for their military forces. Details are often secret. Public discussions are therefore always refreshing. There is a good opportunity. France just made public the elements of the offensive cyber operation doctrine. This is a good move. It helps informing the public (national, international)…

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