The Netherlands recently released a document describing their views and position on the application of international law to cyberspace and cyberattacks. This is a very reasoned document and contains great insight.
Just like a similar French document (with a big catch - see later; my analysis here), it is short…
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Developments of the web introduce new ways of using technology. Sometimes the evolution brings positive changes that are not obvious initially. But some events highlight the significance. Like for example the periodic controversy about the removal of certain mobile apps from certain managed application stores (like Google Play, or Apple…
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You may have heard of the cliché “there are no rules in cyberwar". It is false. There are rules. The trick is how those apply. Countries rarely speak clearly how they see or would see things. Most countries accept that international law applies to cyberspace, including to cyber operations…
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Cyber conflicts involving state actors are quickly becoming a geopolitical reality. Perhaps the most cited example, the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, is a continued source of conflict in U.S.-Russia relations. The story took another turn last October when the U.S. Cyber Command…
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Interesting proposals of web standards amending the way some aspects of web architecture work emerged from Apple and Google. This marks a pretty unprecedented competition over web architecture. The grand battleground is web standardization. As such it will happen in the open and involve the larger community.
Web advertisements are…
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