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Lukasz Olejnik
Security, Privacy & Tech Inquiries

Posts for "privacy"

Total 63 Posts

Pseudonymisation - the critical and the most exciting thing in data protection

Pseudonymisation is a technical and organisational measure and a data protection measure under the GDPR. It is a risk-reduction measure that minimizes the likelihood and impact of data protection breaches. It allows for controlled re-identification through stored additional information (secret information). Unlike anonymisation, which irreversibly removes the ability to link Read More

Privacy, security, and exfiltration via web browser Background Sync API

The Background Sync API (alternatively, periodic) enables web apps to defer tasks until the user has a stable connection. It may be useful for apps processing data offline. It introduces curious capabilities in web platforms, so it's important to understand the security and privacy footprint. Here I explore Read More

Impact assessments, risks, and navigating GDPR compliance

Are risks related to the processing of personal data, as referenced in the GDPR, fixed and exhaustive? They are not. The regulation provides a non-exhaustive list of risks solely as a foundation for protecting fundamental rights. Administrators must assess and address additional, context-specific risks beyond those explicitly listed. This requires Read More

Phasing out third-party cookies, user privacy and regulatory games - enough with the theatre

The big day arrived. The UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) finally agreed for Google to phase out third-party cookies. That's terrific because it improves user welfare. Furthermore, no grace period was requested. Google could do it even today. The catch? Only on iOS, Apple's operating Read More

Technically-focused analysis of AI Regulation - AI Governance and technical assessments

Artificial Intelligence and AI Governance are hot topics in this decade. European Union has a pretty ambitious attempt to regulate AI (project here). In this post, I have a look at the proposal through the technical lens, including paying attention to cybersecurity and privacy. The goal of the regulation is Read More

Large-scale Analysis of DNS-based Tracking Evasion - broad data leaks included?

User tracking technologies are ubiquitous on the web. In recent times web browsers try to fight abuses. This led to an arms race where new tracking and anti-tracking measures are being developed. The use of one of such evasion techniques, the CNAME cloaking technique is recently quickly gaining popularity. Our Read More

Privacy and freedoms consideration of Covid-19 health passports or certificates

This post describes some of the technologies that are or may be used, as well as the ideas of improving the privacy stance of such a certificate/passports technology. Treat it as a standardisation and food-for-thoughts consideration, with a view towards privacy-preserving Covid19 health certificates or ‘passports’. It seems that Read More

Are we reaching privacy preserving digital advertising? Historical view

We may be in the middle of a  process of redesigning how the web economy functions. Considerations include web advertisements. Such works involve many actors. Some big platforms. Some web browser vendors. Some ads companies, with a modest list of analysts or researchers keeping a close eye. I believe it’ Read More

iPhone to deploy the EU Tracking Cookie Consent Popup to the whole world?

Imagine  tens of millions of users potentially receiving a popup asking the user to grant permission to be tracked, in September 2020. The striking news emerged from this year’s Apple WWDC conference. Apple will limit the use of the IDFA “tracking identifier”. This identifier allowed advertisers to track the Read More