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Lukasz Olejnik
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Posts for "AI"

Total 5 Posts

Filling social media with indistinguishable AI-bots is illegal with EU AI Act

Meta considers a future where AI-generated bots, avatars or artificial accounts seamlessly integrate into its platforms, filling networks with artificial agents that mimic human users. I must repeat: according to the (so far vague) remarks, these bots are supposedly to interact with people, generate content, and have profiles indistinguishable from Read More

Cyberattacks, information operations, AI and lethal autonomous weapons systems challenge our realm

Technological advances and rising risks posed by cyberattacks, AI, and autonomous systems are outpacing the rules. This shift blurs the lines between civilians and combatants, threatening core principles of warfare and civilian protection. Changes in our world occurring faster than ever before. The concern of International Committee of the Red Read More

Technically-focused analysis of AI Regulation - AI Governance and technical assessments

Artificial Intelligence and AI Governance are hot topics in this decade. European Union has a pretty ambitious attempt to regulate AI (project here). In this post, I have a look at the proposal through the technical lens, including paying attention to cybersecurity and privacy. The goal of the regulation is Read More