Magnetometer is a less known sensor. It equips web browsers with the ability to read the magnetic field strength using the built-in magnetometer device sensors and the W3C Magnetometer API. It might be useful in some specific use cases such as peripheral devices (like a gamepad, to control the user’…
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Privacy vulnerabilities in mechanisms designed to improve privacy are not something expected. On the contrary, they are the last place where you’d expect a privacy bug.
Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) is an impressive feature of Safari, the default browser used on iPhones, iPads, and Macs. It was the first…
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Welcome to the privacy analysis of Progressive Web Applications. With new features in steady supply, the web is changing in exciting ways. One of the more interesting trends is the concept of Progressive Web Applications (PWA). PWAs use modern and powerful web features to further blur the boundaries between web…
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Real-Time Bidding is a technology enabling the targeting of content to mobile and web users. Real-Time Bidding has numerous problems.
* Security, including malvertising (abusing ads infrastructure to deliver malware); affecting hundreds of millions of user visits; delivering malware.
* Privacy, as it is a mass market for personal data, with vague…
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Modern Web browsers are constantly getting new features. It makes for interesting challenges on the level of security and privacy reviews. This is how I usually look on this stuff. There are recently a lot of interesting new browser mechanisms. I previously analysed some in the past, such as proximity…
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