ePrivacy Proposal Officially Released

European Commission has revealed their proposal for updating of ePrivacy directive. I have previously analysed a version of ePrivacy document leaked in December. The new regulation still provides strong guarantees of integrity and confidentiality of communication (concerning also Instant messengers such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Google Hangout, etc.). That’s…

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Privacy Engineering Principles Recommended by NIST

Understanding and perceiving privacy as a technological and strategic aspect is becoming a standard practice. The recently published NIST Internal Report “An Introduction to Privacy Engineering and Risk Management” is an interesting attempt to systematize the understanding of privacy engineering. Privacy in this view forms an important technical and strategic…

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Battery status information used for fraud detection

I'm interested in battery status security/privacy potential for a while now. I have previously written about it here and recently my research led to web browser vendors removing battery readout functionality, citing privacy issues (Firefox, WebKit; Chrome has not decided yet). I'm also very happy to have suggested to…

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Browsers remove functionality due to privacy

It's 2016 and we are experiencing something unprecedented in the history of the Web. Apparently, Web browsers (Firefox, Safari?) are removing parts of their functionality citing privacy concerns. This is a fascinating development. Introduction I am analysing security and privacy of modern Web for more than 8 years now. The…

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