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Lukasz Olejnik
Security, Privacy & Tech Inquiries

Posts for "regulations"

Total 26 Posts

Privacy, security, and exfiltration via web browser Background Sync API

The Background Sync API (alternatively, periodic) enables web apps to defer tasks until the user has a stable connection. It may be useful for apps processing data offline. It introduces curious capabilities in web platforms, so it's important to understand the security and privacy footprint. Here I explore Read More

Phasing out third-party cookies, user privacy and regulatory games - enough with the theatre

The big day arrived. The UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) finally agreed for Google to phase out third-party cookies. That's terrific because it improves user welfare. Furthermore, no grace period was requested. Google could do it even today. The catch? Only on iOS, Apple's operating Read More

Analysis of European Union election interference guidelines (2024)

There’s no question that disinformation, propaganda, and manipulation threaten the election process. The increased transition of societies to online interactions induces those vulnerabilities. Technical developments like generative AI content and the ability to reach wide audiences only help in the creation of digital propaganda. Fortunately, we are not exactly Read More

EU ideas for transparency of political content targeting

Europe is continuing its fight against mechanised political influence, propaganda, disinformation. Package restricting the use of targeted political ads is the new chapter. In this note, I critically analyse the proposals. This analysis will also help to understand what might lie ahead for non-political ads in the future. It’s Read More

Technically-focused analysis of AI Regulation - AI Governance and technical assessments

Artificial Intelligence and AI Governance are hot topics in this decade. European Union has a pretty ambitious attempt to regulate AI (project here). In this post, I have a look at the proposal through the technical lens, including paying attention to cybersecurity and privacy. The goal of the regulation is Read More

Analysis of new European cybersecurity strategy and new NIS2 Directive

European Union showcased its new aims for cybersecurity (“strategy”), along with the new proposal for directives regulating cybersecurity, critical infrastructure, and end-to-end encryption. The strategy goes first. Strategic EU focus on cybersecurity? The strategy contains several interesting points, for example: European DNS European DNS resolver system. This point is critical Read More

Analysis of Digital Services Act with a technology angle

Technology platforms  create technologies with significant impacts on nations, governments, and societies. This impact is increasing, reaching new heights. Many feel that the rules of the game are unclear, insufficient, or non-existent. Without rules, one only wonders who would set out the road to the future. In other words, does Read More

European ideas on fighting disinformation - want it fast or good?

Today, disinformation is a broad problem touching national, international, and cyber security policies, as well as domains such as social sciences and technology, including technical cybersecurity and privacy. Different tactics are used by state and non-state actors, both internal and external. Various protective measures can deliver different outcomes, for the Read More

The case for mandatory cybersecurity and privacy certifications

Currently, it is the key question of cybersecurity and privacy strategic policy. The European Union is going through an overhaul of its privacy and cybersecurity regulatory frameworks. New regulations appear with remarkable frequency. Let’s mention merely the three: NIS Directive (“common level of network and information security“), General Data Read More