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Lukasz Olejnik
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Posts for "technology policy"

Total 13 Posts

Filling social media with indistinguishable AI-bots is illegal with EU AI Act

Meta considers a future where AI-generated bots, avatars or artificial accounts seamlessly integrate into its platforms, filling networks with artificial agents that mimic human users. I must repeat: according to the (so far vague) remarks, these bots are supposedly to interact with people, generate content, and have profiles indistinguishable from Read More

Technically-focused analysis of AI Regulation - AI Governance and technical assessments

Artificial Intelligence and AI Governance are hot topics in this decade. European Union has a pretty ambitious attempt to regulate AI (project here). In this post, I have a look at the proposal through the technical lens, including paying attention to cybersecurity and privacy. The goal of the regulation is Read More

Analysis of Digital Services Act with a technology angle

Technology platforms  create technologies with significant impacts on nations, governments, and societies. This impact is increasing, reaching new heights. Many feel that the rules of the game are unclear, insufficient, or non-existent. Without rules, one only wonders who would set out the road to the future. In other words, does Read More

On the road to regulate microtargeting and disinformation

European Commission announced the “Democratic Action Plan”. It is a rather general strategic document. What stands out is the realization that New Digital Technologies  have great impacts on democratic societies. Both positive (i.e. like the ability to reach new groups of people) and negative (like the non-transparent campaigning, disinformation, Read More