The work on ePrivacy continues and enters a hot period. I’m interested in it from the very beginning, I’m also actively involved in these works, also as a stakeholder. The draft proposal with amendments is now public. Being involved in those works, I’m impressed how good suggestions…
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In this post we describe and demonstrate a neat trick to exfiltrate sensitive information from your browser using a surprising tool: your smartphone or laptop’s ambient light sensor.
In short:
1. We provide background about the light sensor API and current discussions to expose it more broadly to websites.…
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Designing standards with privacy in mind should be a standard in itself. Historically this was not always the case and the idea of designing systems with privacy is relatively new - it dates from the beginning of this decade. One of the milestones is accepting this view on the IETF…
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Web Bluetooth - a web API under development, and will be one of the core components of Web of Things, the application layer of Internet of Things. It will enable sensors, beacons and user devices to communicate with each other. But at first: it will enable a web browser to…
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Ambient Light Sensor is one of the more interesting data sources from privacy point of view. I recently highlighted a number of potential privacy issues in my analysis.
I described how the ability to access and track the changes of lighting conditions in the user's environment might contribute…
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