Quantum computers benefit from special effects like the quantum superposition and quantum interference to perform computation outside the reach to to classical computers, and attaining a speed advantage over classical computers for selected problems. What matters is quantum computers may allow an exponential computing speedup for certain problems. This speedup…
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Privacy Shield provided for simple grounds for transferring data from the European Union to the USA. The news of invalidation of Privacy Shield as a result of the verdict of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has now settled. It’s a matter of law, and the associated decision contains…
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European Parliament recently called on a ban on micro-targeted ads. Such a decision made by a democratically elected body is somewhat unprecedented.
Micro-targeting allows people (i.e. “advertisers”) to use platform profiling to reach the “right” audience. For example targeting content based on traits such as: Male/Female, age, the…
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Imagine tens of millions of users potentially receiving a popup asking the user to grant permission to be tracked, in September 2020.
The striking news emerged from this year’s Apple WWDC conference. Apple will limit the use of the IDFA “tracking identifier”. This identifier allowed advertisers to track the…
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Magnetometer is a less known sensor. It equips web browsers with the ability to read the magnetic field strength using the built-in magnetometer device sensors and the W3C Magnetometer API. It might be useful in some specific use cases such as peripheral devices (like a gamepad, to control the user’…
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