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Lukasz Olejnik
Security, Privacy & Tech Inquiries

Lukasz Olejnik

159 posts

Governance of privacy-preserving digital advertising systems?

Research works conducted in the previous two decades bore fruits. At many organisations or companies, privacy has become elevated in importance. One of such potentially recent developments in the discussion around the changes to the web platform that could support the work of privacy-preserving digital advertising systems, the design of Read More

Analysis of UK Integrated Report in scope of cyber operations

The UK just released its comprehensive report Integrated Review concerning future diplomatic and military capabilities. While the document discusses foreign policy, adversaries, and kinetic forces such as missiles, tanks, or nuclear weapons, it contains interesting tidbits about cybersecurity and cyberwarfare (and is perhaps analogical to the other one from France) Read More

Initial privacy analysis of Google’s Privacy Sandbox - Federated Learning of Cohorts leaking information about browsing in incognito mode

Digital web advertising is an ecosystem undergoing strategic changes. Google’s Privacy Sandbox is promising to redesign web advertising technology in ways that will respect user’s privacy, including based on some previous designs. Detailed technically-enabled analysis should wait until more design features are known. In this post I focus Read More

Large-scale Analysis of DNS-based Tracking Evasion - broad data leaks included?

User tracking technologies are ubiquitous on the web. In recent times web browsers try to fight abuses. This led to an arms race where new tracking and anti-tracking measures are being developed. The use of one of such evasion techniques, the CNAME cloaking technique is recently quickly gaining popularity. Our Read More

Do we need more transparency of cyber operations doctrines?

There is no question that cybersecurity is among the key world challenges. As reports of cyber attacks increase, policy decisions follow. The creation of military cyber operations, including planning and conducting offensive or defensive activities in cyberspace to achieve strategic and military objectives, slowly become the standard. While the details Read More

Privacy and freedoms consideration of Covid-19 health passports or certificates

This post describes some of the technologies that are or may be used, as well as the ideas of improving the privacy stance of such a certificate/passports technology. Treat it as a standardisation and food-for-thoughts consideration, with a view towards privacy-preserving Covid19 health certificates or ‘passports’. It seems that Read More

Analysis of new European cybersecurity strategy and new NIS2 Directive

European Union showcased its new aims for cybersecurity (“strategy”), along with the new proposal for directives regulating cybersecurity, critical infrastructure, and end-to-end encryption. The strategy goes first. Strategic EU focus on cybersecurity? The strategy contains several interesting points, for example: European DNS European DNS resolver system. This point is critical Read More

Analysis of Digital Services Act with a technology angle

Technology platforms  create technologies with significant impacts on nations, governments, and societies. This impact is increasing, reaching new heights. Many feel that the rules of the game are unclear, insufficient, or non-existent. Without rules, one only wonders who would set out the road to the future. In other words, does Read More

On the road to regulate microtargeting and disinformation

European Commission announced the “Democratic Action Plan”. It is a rather general strategic document. What stands out is the realization that New Digital Technologies  have great impacts on democratic societies. Both positive (i.e. like the ability to reach new groups of people) and negative (like the non-transparent campaigning, disinformation, Read More

Are we reaching privacy preserving digital advertising? Historical view

We may be in the middle of a  process of redesigning how the web economy functions. Considerations include web advertisements. Such works involve many actors. Some big platforms. Some web browser vendors. Some ads companies, with a modest list of analysts or researchers keeping a close eye. I believe it’ Read More

On privacy and algorithmic fairness of machine learning and artificial intelligence

When big chunks of user data collected on an industrial scale continue to induce constant privacy concerns, the need to seriously address problems of privacy and data protection with respect to data processing is important as never before. Data is increasingly fed into machine learning models (i.e. “artificial intelligence” Read More

Shedding light on designing web features with privacy: risks, impact assessments, case study

This post is built around my paper (presented to/at the International Workshop on Privacy Engineering) devoted to privacy assessment in web standards. After the previous one (Battery Status Not Included: Assessing Privacy in W3C Web Standards) this is the next insight in this domain. While I point out the Read More

Analysis of interesting points in Australian 2020 cybersecurity strategy

Countries continue to refine their approach to cybersecurity. Australia is not an exception, with the recent release of its new cybersecurity strategy. Previously I looked at several countries or organisations (i.e. USA, Ireland, Netherlands, France, ICRC, France, Luxembourg) along different dimensions of cybersecurity. Why is Australia worth a look? Read More

Initial data protection assessment of quantum computing

Quantum computers benefit from special effects like the quantum superposition and quantum interference to perform computation outside the reach to to classical computers, and attaining a speed advantage over classical computers for selected problems. What matters is quantum computers may allow an exponential computing speedup for certain problems. This speedup Read More