The Digital Markets Act is one of the least understood EU technology laws, yet it has tangible impacts—both positive and negative—on the technology landscape. We’ll use the opportunity to study an interesting and real-world case. It concerns the practice of Chrome preloading its web browser extension so…
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TLS is the fundamental protocol facilitating secure web browsing. Simply speaking it identifies the server identity and establishes an encrypted connection. That’s how we may securely use banking, do shopping, and do other things we take for granted. Establishing such a connection comes with a performance footprint because computation…
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I track the Privacy Sandbox migration process since it's day 1 announcement. Having written some notes about architectural aspects, initial assessments, including identification of data leaks,
When analysing the proposals and imagining the future system, I realised that there's a need to somehow guide the future maintanance or development. So…
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This April, cryptography and security community have been stirred by a new research from Yilei Chen. If the claimed result held it could potentially impact the security of applied cryptography, especially in the era of quantum computing. This work was very difficult to immediately understand due to its complexity. But…
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