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Lukasz Olejnik
Security, Privacy & Tech Inquiries

Posts for "privacy"

Total 63 Posts

ePrivacy Proposal Officially Released

European Commission has revealed their proposal for updating of ePrivacy directive. I have previously analysed a version of ePrivacy document leaked in December. The new regulation still provides strong guarantees of integrity and confidentiality of communication (concerning also Instant messengers such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Google Hangout, etc.). That’s Read More

Privacy Engineering Principles Recommended by NIST

Understanding and perceiving privacy as a technological and strategic aspect is becoming a standard practice. The recently published NIST Internal Report “An Introduction to Privacy Engineering and Risk Management” is an interesting attempt to systematize the understanding of privacy engineering. Privacy in this view forms an important technical and strategic Read More

Web Bluetooth API Privacy

Web Bluetooth - a web API under development, and will be one of the core components of Web of Things, the application layer of Internet of Things. It will enable sensors, beacons and user devices to communicate with each other. But at first: it will enable a web browser to Read More

Switzerland’s new surveillance law

The debate around surveillance around the world is a developing story. Multiple states are considering, working on or applying new investigative powers (e.g. United Kingdom’s Investigatory Powers Bill or France’s Patriot Act à la française) strengthening surveillance capabilities; this trend is visible around the world. Investigatory powers Read More

Privacy of W3C Vibration API

Vibrating devices are a familiar thing. From the era of flip-phones, to vibrations induced by mobile apps. Or websites. [Edit 15/11/19: Firefox is limiting access to Vibration API] Vibration API The mechanism allowing websites to utilize device's vibration motor is called Vibration API. The mechanism allows Read More

Why do I need this?

It was never my intention to have a "blog". Then, as I have found myself increasingly interested in, and doing more and more things, I indentified a need to have a place for writing. It is not a good idea to put my thoughts on my site; I Read More