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Lukasz Olejnik
Security, Privacy & Tech Inquiries

Lukasz Olejnik

159 posts

European Parliament calls to ban micro-targeted ads. Now what?

European Parliament recently called on a ban on micro-targeted ads. Such a decision made by a democratically elected body is somewhat unprecedented. Micro-targeting allows people (i.e. “advertisers”) to use platform profiling to reach the “right” audience. For example targeting content based on traits such as: Male/Female, age, the Read More

iPhone to deploy the EU Tracking Cookie Consent Popup to the whole world?

Imagine  tens of millions of users potentially receiving a popup asking the user to grant permission to be tracked, in September 2020. The striking news emerged from this year’s Apple WWDC conference. Apple will limit the use of the IDFA “tracking identifier”. This identifier allowed advertisers to track the Read More

Cyber risk theme and COVID-19 - why scams or unauthorized access attempts using coronavirus theme is something unwelcome but unprecedentedly risky

I wanted to steer clear from the topic of SARS-CoV-19. But it is now clear that thee global coronavirus epidemic/spread introduces an extraordinary situation, warranting special considerations for individual and organization, as well as collective cybersecurity. We are all in this is due to a confluence of many related Read More

Analysis of Irish cybersecurity strategy

Ireland just released its cybersecurity strategy. It is a very interesting document because, considering the size of the country, Ireland is a crucial backbone of the EU digital economy. Ireland knows this and it mentioned in the strategy very prominently: around 30% of “data” are based in Ireland. Big global Read More

On cyber insurance exclusions or not

Recently cyber insurance gained fame because of the refusal of two major firms (1), 2) to cover the costs of NotPetya ransomwiper. The explanation, “war-like activity” exclusion model clause (CL.380, “Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion“; a fairly standard sample here) result in a fairly entertaining case from the international law Read More

ICRC report on cyberoperations

The just-published report of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on humanitarian consequences of cyber operations brings the much-needed, currently lacking expert insight and context in the debate around cyber warfare. I am also happy because I had an opportunity to co-author this report; the (now public) part of Read More

Advising at the European Data Protection Supervisor is not about chocolate

We live in times of profound technological impacts and accelerating history. Technology is increasingly influencing fundamental aspects of societies. Some technologies have great potential but their impact in the long term is difficult to imagine in advance by most. My background is compounded. I have experience in security engineering, walked Read More