Invisible disability in the world of technology

My name is Lukasz Olejnik. I have been disabled since the end of primary school. In 1999, I underwent a brain tumor surgery in a very difficult location. It goes without saying that the consequences of such a procedure can be very serious; in my case, it resulted just in Read More

Preliminary assessment of Digital Euro

The European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation introducing the digital currency euro. It is the so-called CBDC (central bank digital currency). Unfortunately, the content of this regulation is disturbing. Let's start with the fact that reconciling the very idea of "decentralization of payments" and Read More

EU ideas for transparency of political content targeting

Europe is continuing its fight against mechanised political influence, propaganda, disinformation. Package restricting the use of targeted political ads is the new chapter. In this note, I critically analyse the proposals. This analysis will also help to understand what might lie ahead for non-political ads in the future. It’s Read More

French doctrine of information operations - engaging over information space

France presented their military doctrine for information operations. They will be seriously active in this space. Let me recall that previously I looked at the: * Highlights of the French cybersecurity strategy, developments in cyber - France - combattants cyber et l’arme cybernetique * French application of international rules to cyberwarfare Read More

Technically-focused analysis of AI Regulation - AI Governance and technical assessments

Artificial Intelligence and AI Governance are hot topics in this decade. European Union has a pretty ambitious attempt to regulate AI (project here). In this post, I have a look at the proposal through the technical lens, including paying attention to cybersecurity and privacy. The goal of the regulation is Read More

Updated Russian technology policy relating to cybersecurity - Cyber Agency to reconcile cyber conflicts?

Russia just released an interesting strategic document concerning “information security” (in their nomenclature this includes cybersecurity and more) with a view to “determine the main threats to international information security”, it supposedly complements the doctrine of information security, and more. I'll go through a few points below. Unlike Read More