As privacy engineering is getting more and more mature as a field in some settings experts are creating a "privacy checklist" of things to have. It's useful in design, development, and deployment, but also audits. Many useful things could be added to such a list.
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Is Privacy Sandbox’s Federated Learning of Cohorts leaking information about web browsing history? Let's find out.
Federated Learning of Cohorts is computing a SimHash on a user's web browsing history (the lists of visited websites) to obtain the cohort ID. In principle, it is a…
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Digital web advertising is an ecosystem undergoing strategic changes. Google’s Privacy Sandbox is promising to redesign web advertising technology in ways that will respect user’s privacy, including based on some previous designs. Detailed technically-enabled analysis should wait until more design features are known.
In this post I focus…
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User tracking technologies are ubiquitous on the web. In recent times web browsers try to fight abuses. This led to an arms race where new tracking and anti-tracking measures are being developed. The use of one of such evasion techniques, the CNAME cloaking technique is recently quickly gaining popularity. Our…
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We may be in the middle of a process of redesigning how the web economy functions. Considerations include web advertisements. Such works involve many actors. Some big platforms. Some web browser vendors. Some ads companies, with a modest list of analysts or researchers keeping a close eye. I believe it’…
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